Frank Artus

Frank Artus was born of an Egyptian father and Liberian mother in Egypt and grew up in Liberia mainly, Frank Artus came all the way from Ghana to be a part of Nollywood in July 29 2009, where he started his career.
He struggled for years before making it big on the silver screen all across Africa. He is making waves in the Ghanaian movie industry with Venus Productions. He has a Human Resources Management degree from AME University in Monrovia and decided to pursue his passion for acting. He started out doing a lot of minor
roles, but then he decided he wanted to do something on his own. His first film Juetey (Children’s Business), a film he both directed and starred in, was also his first big attempt at
doing screenwriting. By 2008, Juetey has won six movie awards including Best Writer, Best Supporting Actress and Movie of the Year. Artus is Simple, humble, intelligent, down to earth and above all God fearing.He is contrary to what you see on the movie screen, he tries to do that because it is what people like to see, and he does it because it is the business part of his career. He always knew he was going to be a star when he left Liberia to
Ghana. And since then he has been doing well for himself.

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