Piranda 3DD

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First off, I am a huge fan of the first film! It is my favorite movie of all time! It was really gory and fun and introduced us movie goers and horror fans to a really enjoyable and fun popcorn flick! When Piranha 3DD was announced, I was very excited! I followed this film for 2 years! After it got bad reviews in the UK, I got a little worried that it wouldn't be as good as I thought it was going to be, but I was wrong! This film was more than I thought it was going to be! It was very fun, fast-pace, gory, and entertaining! Everybody makes it seem like it was a parody with the humor, which I was expecting, but there isn't nearly as much humor I thought there was going to be. There was still more humor than Piranha 3D, but not as much as I thought there was going to be, which is a good thing! You can expect a lot of cheesy sequences and unrealistic happenings but they are all intended and not too over the top! So please, don't listen to what the overly critical people say and enjoy Piranha 3DD! Highly recommended! 10/10!!! Watch it!

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