Spider man Latest

I'm putting the actual image (which if fake is a pretty good fake scoop. after the jump. Suffice it to say, sanding The Rhino and Electro - two of the most interestingly-designed iconic Spider-Man villains, easily - down to "Man In Hoodie" and "Boring Robot" is kind of an accomplishment in and
of itself. "Different" is one thing - this is just boring.

Hit the jump for the "spoiler"...

Part of why I'm disinclined to think of this as a fake is the work that'd have to go into it: Make the fake image, print it out onto parchment-style poster and hang it in a plausible location.

In this case, the wallpaper screams "hotel conference room," which would suggest this was probably snapped at a merchandising meetup - i.e. "here's what you'll be putting onto lunchboxes and party-plates." Therefore, it's possible for this to be a "real" poster but not a final poster. I imagine it's pretty close, though.

The less said about Electro the better, at this point. I know that Rhino is here being drawn from Ultimate Marvel's R.H.I.N.O. concept... and I don't like it here, either. It really is amazing that the entire "Ultimate" experiment didn't yield a single not-shit new idea outside of the Samuel L. Jackson gag. Speaking of which, it looks like you can see a closer shot of Green Goblin's face on the billboard/screen in the upper right-hand corner - the gossip on this one is that A.) it's actually Harry Osborn who becomes the Goblin this time, and B.) this will be "Ultimate" Green Goblin - who's basically a less-interesting version of The Abomination.

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